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Friday, February 25, 2022

A Word From the Lord

Hello and welcome to My Little House of Prayer Ministry. A friend of Mine shared a vision with me she had years ago. Apparently it is relevant for today. Because, the Lord told me to share it with you today. The vision went like this. It was black.There was a cross. It was the only light in the room. People were clinging to the cross. Some with all their might. Like their life depended on it. Others were clinging less tightly. Then, there were those who were clinging haphazardly. Then she saw a fire beneath the cross. Those who were clinging with all their might stayed on the cross. The first to fall into the fire were those  who clung haphazardly. The second were those who lost their strength. 

       There is a song called The Old Rugged Cross. The chorus says, “I Will cling to the old rugged cross. And exchange it someday for a crown.” The crucified way, is the only way to cling to the cross of Jesus. Realizing that you are always a sinner in desperate need of a savior. I cannot implore you enough to call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. We will not be walking into the Kingdom standing upright! We will be crawling in! Why do you say this? You ask. Because of the scripture that says it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom than for a camel into the eye of the needle. There is a passageway into Israel that is called the eye of the needle. When people enter in by camel, they have to unload the camel of all the packages before it can go in. Yes, it is still there today. No form of pride can enter into the kingdom of God.  Therefore, we must always remember, we are sinners in daily need of a savior. 

    If you don’t know Jesus now, please pray with me. Lord Jesus, I confess my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Please come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Take complete control of my life and help me to walk in Your footsteps daily by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for saving me and for answering my prayer. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

             Welcome to the family of God. Find a pastor you can sit under for at least a year. That preaches the uncompromising truth of God’s word. Get in your bible and pray. 

Thank you for tuning in today. May God bless and keep you. Until Sunday have a blessed rest of your week.


  1. This is SUCH great post!!! The Eye of the Needle...we cannot enter with our own baggage. Makes me think of another old song..Just as I am...He wants just us, and He adores us though we dont feel worthy. Love this!

  2. This is SUCH great post!!! The Eye of the Needle...we cannot enter with our own baggage. Makes me think of another old song..Just as I am...He wants just us, and He adores us though we dont feel worthy. Love this!


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