A Spiritual Earthquake This weekend I had an experience that has shaken me up. You could say that I have experienced a spiritual earthquake. A lot of food for thought. My heart is broken. But, my Father has seen fit that at this time I should have fellowship with His suffering. Am I truly my brother’s keeper? If we are our brother’s keeper, we will stand for truth no matter the cost. He has ignited a fire for the lost. The grief of it has hit my heart with such intensity. The grief He feels as we both hear “Tick. Tick. Tick.” People, things are winding up real quick. This world is swallowing up lost souls at an alarming rate, while our senses are being dulled by the atrocities. What happened to the gospel. What happened to the street criers, “Repent! For the Kingdom of God is at hand!” I hate to say this, but even so - called - Christians have made fun of them. Where are the street ministries? The holy - rollers? What has happened to the fire of the Holy Ghost in the preaching in preachers today? The Lord has taken my personal situation and driven me in the direction of evangelism. My tears are not just for the immediate lost in my home, but for the lost souls of this world making choices that no one in their right mind would make. I just watched a movie on you tube. The Power of the Air. Let me say this. It is powerful. It will stir you up. The missionary in the movie was concerned that the Church of America was in grave danger. He wrote a book and in this book he wrote this challenge. For one week, turn off all media and forms of technology. Don’t read the newspaper or books. Just read your bible, go to church and pray. Then, after a week, go back to life as normal except for one week don’t pray or go to church, Don’t read your bible or listen to anything to do with the gospel. Then, after that week, ask yourself which one was harder to do. I don’t want to just be pew warmer. I want my life to impact people. Impact them to shout of their love for the Lord from the rooftops. How do I want them to shout from the rooftops? By declaring to everyone and anyone the great things the Lord is doing for your life. How He has changed your life and that He can and wants to do it for everyone else that will listen to take up the baton of faith. He also dropped this statement a month or two ago. That nowhere in the gospel does it say that if you pray the prayer of salvation you will be saved. It does say that if you call upon the name of the Lord you will be saved. Saved from what? Eternal separation from the one who created you. The prayer of salvation is just a prayer of faith. The real salvation prayer is when sinner acknowledges that he is a sinner in desperate need of a savior. He/she becomes truly broken over their sin. So broken to the point that he truly repents of it. Changes his perception of it and his choice making decisions concerning them. He starts truly reading his bible to learn how to be what the Lord has truly called him/ her to be. That he/she pursues a life of prayer and fasting to hear His still small voice. To walk in the fear and admonition of the Lord. This is true salvation. So, if you are tuning in right now. You are convicted in some way by this as I am, please pray with me. Lord, forgive me for being lackadaisical in my walk with you. I truly repent before you. I want to walk circumspectly before you. I want to be what you have truly called me to be. A blood bought saint of God. I truly want to dedicate my life to you. I want you to be Lord and Savior over all of my life. You said if I truly repented of my sin, turned from my wicked ways, prayed and sought your face; you would hear from heaven and forgive all of my sin, transgression, and iniquity. You would forgive my generational curses to the third and fourth generation. And, I would walk in your blessings all the days of my life. I know this walk is called the crucified way. Because I have to put my fleshly desires away and walk in godliness and holiness. I commit to you this day, Lord. I can only do this in your strength, Lord. I thank you for saving me and redeeming me. I now take this time to call out all of my sins to you, so that you and I can pass your judgment over them. So, that everything is under your precious blood, Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I forgive those who have hurt or sinned against me. Forgive them Lord. They know not what they do. I pray for their salvation also, Lord God. In Jesus Christ of Nazareth’s mighty Name, Amen.
My Little House of prayer is about my personal walk with the Lord Jesus Christ and the things I've learned on the way.
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